All world’s a stage…
“All the World, All of Life
Is a Stage…
In adoration to Dr. Joe Dispenza - his following quotes nail our approach:
Just as actors are characters on the performance stage, each of us is an actor on the life stage – the plane of demonstration.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza
“To transform from the protagonist to the hero, then, we must achieve a new level of mind and body.”
“Learning how to embody new roles and free ourselves from old ones – with confidence and skill – requires energy, awareness, intention, and practice.”
“Whatever our motivation, we’re all empowered to choose which aspects of which “characters” we want to take on – and which we want to leave behind.”
“Our goal is to rise from our meditation as a NEW PERSON, feeling new feelings, thinking new thoughts, and committed to new behaviours … and then to stay awake in our day, practicing what it feels like to EMBODY YOUR NEW CHARACTER. “